The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free and voluntary system that your supplier uses to ensure the correct support is given to its most vulnerable customers.

It is a system designed and overseen by Ofgem to better ensure t
hat individuals with special requirements have access to additional support from their energy supplier as and when they require it.

What support is offered?

This support varies by supplier and by an individual’s circumstances, but can include:
  • account info in large print or braille
  • priority support in an emergency
  • wherever possible, advanced notice of service interruption
  • an identification and password scheme if someone needs to visit or contact you, helping you feel confident they are genuine
  • the ability to nominate someone to receive communications on your behalf, for example a family member, carer or someone you trust
  • regular meter reading services
  • assistance reconnecting your gas supply, if you need it

Am I eligible?

You can ask to join your supplier’s Priority Services Register if you:
  • have reached state pension age;
  • are pregnant, or have young children;
  • struggle with speaking or reading English
You can also join if you’re living with a disability or a long-term medical condition, including:
  • mental health conditions
  • conditions affecting your sight, hearing or sense of smell
  • conditions that mean you need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply
Help is also available if your circumstances have recently changed, for example if you:
  • are recovering from an injury, or need support after a stay in hospital
  • have been bereaved
  • have lost your job
To be added to your supplier’s priority services register simply click on the link below and complete the form. We will then pass on your information to your energy supplier.

Click here sign up to the Priority Services Register through Split the Bills