Reading Your Meter

How To Read A Traditional Meter

Electricity Meters

There are a few different types of Electricity meter. Look for the example below which looks like your meter and follow the instructions on how to read the meter.


Digital Single Meter

How To Read

Write down the five numbers as they appear. Ignore the red one. The example above would be ‘04612’.


Digital Dual Meter

This is for those of you on two energy rates for different times of the day. The cheaper one is on top, this will usually be the “night” read and the bottom one will be the “day” read.

How To Read

Write down the five numbers as they appear, ignoring the red ones.


Digital Dual Meter (Single Display)

Some dual meters have a single display where you might have to press a button to view each rate.

How To Read

  1. Write down the numbers as they appear.
  2. Press the button to see the next reading, then write that down too.


Dial Meter

Here you’ll see five dials, each with numbers 0 to 9. There may be a sixth dial on the right, sometimes in red, or with 1/10 next to it – ignore this.

How To Read

  1. Write down the numbers the pointer has just passed, from left to right.
  2. If the pointer lies exactly on any number, underline it (in the above example, you would underline the 4).
  3. Now, look at your five numbers. For any that are underlined, look at the number following it – if it’s between 9 and 0, reduce your underlined number by one. The above example would therefore be 1 3 9 7 0.

Gas Meters

Like electricity, there are a few different types of gas meter, but they’re all fairly simple to read.


Digital Imperial Meter

How To Read

Write down the first four numbers as they appear. Ignore the red ones.


Digital Metric Meter

How To Read

Write down the first five numbers as they appear – ignore the numbers after the decimal point (sometimes in red).


Dial Meter

There might be more than four dials, you only need to read the bottom four.

How To Read

Write down the numbers closest to the pointer, as they appear. If it’s between numbers, put the lower number, but if it’s between 9 and 0, write 9.

How To Read A Smart Meter

Smart Electricity Meters

Your electricity reading will be a number followed by “kwh”. We don’t need the numbers after the decimal place.

If your meter has A and B buttons:

  1. Press the A button.
  2. Keep on pressing this until you get to “TOTAL ACT IMPORT”.
  3. The number shown below this is your meter reading.

If your meter has a green A and a white B button:

  1. Press and hold the green A button for at least 2 seconds.
  2. Press A again and again to cycle through the displays.
  3. The first row of numbers you’ll see is your meter reading.

If your meter has three unmarked buttons:

  1. Press the middle button.
  2. The number shown below “IMP” is your meter reading.

If your meter has an orange button and a blue button:

  1. Press the orange button.
  2. You’ll see a row of numbers followed by “KWH”, this is your reading.

Smart Gas Meters

Your gas reading will be a number followed by “m3”. We don’t need the numbers after the decimal place.

If your meter has A and B buttons only:

  1. Press the A button.
  2. Keep on pressing this until you get to “METER INDEX”.
  3. The number shown below this is your meter reading.

If your meter has three square red buttons (they might be labelled A, B, and C):

  1. Press the A (or left) button.
  2. You’ll see a row of numbers followed by m3, this is your reading.

If your meter has a left arrow, a circle and a right arrow:

  1. Press the middle “circle” button.
  2. The screen will show “current meter reading” at the top.
  3. You’ll see a row of numbers followed by m3, this is your reading.

If your meter has orange and blue arrow buttons:

  1. Press the orange button.
  2. You’ll see a row of numbers followed by m3. This is your reading.